How to Write a “Dear Alcohol” Letter as a New Year Ritual
The Midlife Sobriety Coach

how to write a goodbye letter to alcohol

You will likely qualify for an effective combination of individual, group, and family therapies. We take a holistic, evidence-based approach to help you heal once and for all. This time, your recovery can be long-lasting. The closing will be determined in both tone and substance. The matter is settled; you’ve made up your mind about leaving addiction to drugs or drinking behind. Just as you begin the letter with a no-nonsense acknowledgment, you will end with a final farewell.

How Long Does Addiction Recovery Take?

Join our engaged and growing community — one in which everyone shares a common goal of of staying sober, one day at a time. You even brought a new love into my life, but you would be a central part of us too. So central that I sit here now, on our back deck of the beautiful life we’ve built, contemplating our future. His rock bottom has become mine, and I don’t know what’s next for the three of us.

  • Although, when I think about it, I have no idea what to say.
  • You’ve led me down a road of destruction that has left carnage in my wake; a teenage pregnancy, infidelity, divorce, my broken-hearted daughters, financial ruin.
  • You fell victim to an Alcohol Use Disorder that required treatment – you’re not at fault; it’s a clinical diagnosis.
  • Oh, how you’ve been so good at convincing me that I need you, that I can’t live without you.
  • We include options such as detox, residential treatment, a partial hospitalization program, an intensive outpatient program, and traditional outpatient services.

Set the Tone for the Goodbye Letter to Substance Abuse

I will seek the support of an addiction treatment center who cares about me. But it’s also fine to admit that alcohol destroyed your life and was a thief of your time and energy. It pushed your family and friends away from you. You fell victim to an Alcohol Use Disorder that required treatment – you’re not at fault; it’s a clinical diagnosis. Write a five- to six-sentence paragraph looking back at the good and bad times you had together.

how to write a goodbye letter to alcohol

Mental Health Resources

  • You have never served me well and it’s taken this monumental moment for me to finally see my truth.
  • That being said, I am writing this for myself.
  • Please feel free to reach out to our team.
  • When my husband and I have an argument, I remove myself and write my feelings.
  • Sure, there were the blackouts where I couldn’t remember what I had done the night before, and the arguments with my girlfriend about my drinking.

You’re a tremendous liar who promised to help me when I was scared. I have realized that My health has deteriorated, my children have been taken away, and I don’t have a job to support myself. I believed your promises and lost track of things that matter. You’ve been the best thief, robbing me of my peace. To be clear, the pain you’ve inflicted is unbearable. With our guidance, you will receive a customized care plan that addresses your substance abuse issues and any co-occurring disorders.

She told me that I should just write it from the heart. I’m not certain what that meant, so I just decided to sit down in my room, put pen to paper, and just start writing. With our guidance and your concerted effort, you can end your substance abuse for good. You can begin to discover the hope and promise of successful, long-term goodbye letter to addiction recovery.

Rising Sober

how to write a goodbye letter to alcohol

This opening strikes a personal tone, showing that you plan to say goodbye and get help. Please feel free to reach out to our team. We look forward to helping you have brighter, happier future. You might think you have everyone fooled, but I have news for you, Alcohol – WE ARE what is alcoholism ON TO YOU!

Say goodbye; don’t offer to connect or answer any questions. Don’t invite them to pop in and visit after you heal. You have given the recipient all the information they need. It’s not your responsibility to help with additional clarifications.

  • Letter writing also helps you process and fully understand your experiences.
  • Read on; you’ll discover the six steps to writing a goodbye letter to alcohol and read an example letter.
  • She is filled with joy and gratitude and takes things one day at a time.
  • However, I also know that I have to do it.
  • It signals readiness to break free from alcohol or drug abuse – an incredibly cruel evil master.
  • So many women out there don’t know there is an “alcohol-free” option and are struggling with their drinking.
  • So I need to say goodbye to drugs and alcohol, no matter how difficult or scary that is to think about.
  • In the next section, you will explain all your concerns.
  • It’s as if I’m breaking up with a long term partner.

She doesn’t judge me, get jealous, or fill my head with empty promises. She has lots of friends that she’s helped before and they’ve turned their lives around. Some took longer than others but they all help each other because they’ve been where I am today. Her name is Recovery and she makes me feel good about myself…as a Person, a Father, a Spouse, and a Friend.

how to write a goodbye letter to alcohol

Our state-specific resource guides offer a comprehensive overview of drug and alcohol addiction treatment options available in your area. We are no longer taking on your name as we move away from you either. You don’t get to claim us as “Alcohol-ics,” anymore. We are changing our names during this divorce back to who we were before you moved in on our lives. It’s a clean break and we won’t be taking your name along with us.

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